Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants is a structure from Greece, which for the past 9 years has been actively organizing the political, ethical and material support of imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries. Due to the immense amount of money we have to collect and send _each month_ to the imprisoned comrades in order to cover their needs inside the prisons, and thus the tough financial situation we’re facing, we decided to use the firefund platform.
Firefund is an online crowdsourcing platform, run by activists, in order to fund radical causes. You can donate safely either by using credit card or with cryptocurrency (ether). Also if you want you can choose to contribute an amount to the team that administrates the platform.
The link of our campaign is this:
You can find more info about us and why we choose to use firefund in the link.
The contribution of each and every one who wants to help our cause is ESSENTIAL. While we also believe that it’s rather important to forward this initiative to anyone with whom we may not have contact with. To any comrade/collective who stand with solidarity against oppression.
Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants from Greece
(for contact: tameio (at) espiv (dot) net)