Tag Archives: Antifa

USA: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Keith ‘Malik’ Washington

Comrade Malik Speaks! This Also Means That I Am an AntiFascist! Expect Us!

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades!

By now the word has gotten out that I’ve left the New Afrikan Black Panther Party-prison chapter and embraced Anarchism. This is a tough time but as J. Cole raps in his song “Middle Child,” he says: “Everything Grows, its destined to change!” I have changed!

I am still holding on to my belief in Eco-Socialism. Plain and simple, climate change is real and not a hoax. Think many of ya’ll who have felt these unusually hot temps recently can attest that something is most certainly going on and I can guarantee you that these imperialist multi-national corporations that deal in fossil fuels have no interest in saving our beautiful planet or ensuring that the humyn species is able to survive– they just don’t care so we have to make them care! But that is not why I am communicating with you today!

I am here to confront that fascist and white supremacist in the Oval Office in Washington, DC. The man who has unleashed these Neo-Nazi haters masquerading as so-called ‘patriots’ who are chanting “send her back” and attacking unsuspecting wimmin and children of color! Continue reading

Bulgaria: Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman Denied Parole

27.07.19: Last week in Sofia, Bulgaria, 32-year-old anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman was denied parole on his 20-year prison sentence for murder. Jock was convicted in 2009 of the stabbing murder of Andrei Monov and the attempted murder of Anton Zahariev. The death occurred after Jock went to the aid of two Roma boys who were being attacked by a racist gang in Sofia in December 2007; he has now spent over 11 years behind bars as a result. All appeals against the conviction and sentence — along with attempts to convince Bulgarian authorities to allow him to serve the rest of his sentence in Australia — have failed, and it seems likely that Jock will not be released until the full 20-year sentence has been served.
Coming to terms with serving such a lengthy sentence in a foreign country is obviously a difficult matter, but during the course of his incarceration Jock has remained politically-active. Thus Jock has been an outspoken prisoners’ rights advocate throughout his term and in 2012 Jock was instrumental in establishing the ‘Bulgarian Prisoners’  Rehabilitation Association’ (BPRA), the first organisation of its kind in the country. In 2015 he was even nominated for a human rights award for his work in this field. Despite operating within a very hostile political environment, Jock’s work and that of the BPRA has nonetheless won recognition and support by some outside Sofia prison’s walls, and it’s hoped that reform within the prison system might be accompanied by positive changes outside of it — as unlikely as that may presently seem.

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