Tag Archives: Davide Delogu

Prison of Rossano Calabro, Italia: Report of the talk with the deported Sardinian imprisoned anarchist Davide Delogu

via: 325

After months of struggles by Davide (followed by 3 complaints and months of isolation) we were able to get a talk authorized. During the talk Davide confirmed that the punitive transfer to the prison of Rossano Calabro, where he is now imprisoned, is due precisely to these complaints (in total he has 15 for his struggles in prisons and especially in the Sicilian isolation).

He is keen to let us know the condition we live in Rossano, where detainees punished from all over Italy are imprisoned and in his section many have made the 14 bis [particular prison surveillance measure, in which a form of isolation is applied to the prisoner; not to be confused with the detention regime in 41 bis] and even long sentences. David still has 2 years of disciplinary isolation, but they prefer not to have them start in this prison because they know of his file and David’s previous struggles in isolation.

He is well, physically fit and morally strong, despite all he has had to face in the approximately 5 years of isolation he has done between various 14 bis, the disciplinary ones and those without any title.

In Rossano he is always locked up in his cell, he takes little time to walk because he manage his time between training, readings and correspondence and also because he can’t stand the guards giving orders; the guards at the walk are often muted by him because he refuse to pass into the metal detector (in the prison there are many of these tools, placed in each entrance).

He send a greeting in solidarity to all.

To write to Davide, the address is as follows:

Davide Delogu
C. R. di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
Italia [Italy]

Italy: Davide Delogu transferred from Augusta to Rossano Calabro prison

April 17th, 2019

The anarchist Sardinian comrade Davide Delogu was transferred from the Augusta prison (province of Syracuse, in Sicily) to that of Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza, in Calabria). The address to which letters, telegrams, books, etc., can be sent is as follows:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Strada Statale 106 Jonica n. 32
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cosenza)
Italia (Italy)

From 11.03.2019 and during the month of March the comrade was on a hunger strike because the new director of the Augusta prison (Angela Lantieri) who had just arrived had immediately revoked the meeting permit that Davide makes with a Sardinian comrade (the only meeting he can currently do). He had also accompanied the strike with missed returns in the cell varying between 30 and 60 minutes and daily keystrokes in the cell.

Solidarity with anarchist Davide Delogu!