Tag Archives: Reclusorio norte

Mexico City: Update on the situation of comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa)

via actforfree

Mexico City: Update on the situation of compa Mario Tripa
We located the comrade Mario Tripa, on Monday September 2, he had been taken to the Reclusorio Norte [north prison] of Mexico City.
To this day the comrade remains incommunicado and isolated.
He is accused of attacks against the public peace and damage, these crimes are the ones that the State has been using to repress us and lock us up in the country’s capital since 2012. This imputation is new and different from legal proceedings for which the comrade was in the situation of being on the run.
The comrades who are carrying out Mario’s legal defence inform us that there could be the possibility of his being granted bail. The amount has not been decided yet.Following the arrest of the comrade, we expect a new offensive from the Mexican State, both the government of the capital and the Federal government, against all the anarchist comrades in the territory controlled by the Mexican government.
We are calling for a concentration in front of the courts of reclusorio norte, on Friday, September 6 at 10 in the morning.

¡In the face of their attacks, organisation and solidarity!

¡Fire to the prisons!
¡Freedom now!
Thank you very much for spreading the compa’s info (A)
send by email 5.8.19, and translated to English by Act for freedom now!