[Claim appeared on Monday, September 30, on the website nantes.indymedia.org].
On Friday, September 27th [2019], the Nancy-Maxeville prison was attacked to denounce the repression of the nuclear State.
In the pre-evening of the demo against the nuclear waste-dump – project CIGEO « Vent de Bure » at Nancy – we attacked (symbolically) the prison of Nancy-Maxeville, to send greetings to our comrades who are imprisoned and those who are charged by repression. Also to set a sign for a society without prisons in general.
We marked the walls with the paint, smash the windows of some administration buildings, launch smoke bombs and flares in the yard of the prison and greet the prisoners with pyrotechnics in the surrounding area. The action was protected by crowsfeets [metal devices to puncture car tyres] and burning barricades on the access roads.
The atomic state always implies the police state as well. The « technology of power » is generally linked to the centralization of power and has a need for a repressive system to protect it.
The answer of the state against the growing resistance in Bure is massive : people get controlled and observed, locked under interdiction of territory and even contact, getting arrested and imprisoned.
While thousands of people went to the streets on Saturday, to demonstrate against the planed waste-dump, we want to remind that some people already pay a high price for this struggle.
LOVE & RAGE to the prisoners
Fire to all prisons !
Autonomous group
P. S.: With our action we also send smoke signs of solidarity to Hamburg/Germany where our comrades Loïc and the “three of the park bench” are kept in prisons.
[Text taken from attaque.noblogs.org].