Daily Archives: 2019/11/02

Makassar, Indonesia: Solidarity with Arrested Anarchist Comrades Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif!

via anarchistsworldwide:


Kepada kawan yang masih setia di jalan pedang pemberontakan, terimalah cinta semesta di dada kalian. Jumlah kami adalah sejumlah semut yang ada di bumi manusia. Akan terus ada, meski berkali-kali dilibas senjata.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

solidaritas sampai semuanya bebas!!!



To friends who are still loyal in the way of the sword of rebellion, accept universal love in your bosom. Our number is the number of ants that exist on human earth. It will continue to exist, even though there are many weapons.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif were anarchists who were arrested for involvement in the burning of a red plate car (a state car) in Makassar, South Sulawesi some time ago.

solidarity until everything is free!!!

Chile: Subversive Prisoners Joaquin Garcia Chanks and Juan Aliste Vega on Insurrection in Chile

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net/2019

Statement by compañero Joaquín García Chanks on the context of Revolt.

We have witnessed a seemingly unpredictable phenomenon; thousands of young people from a virtually innocuous claim, have given free rein to their weariness with their daily life, destroying symbols and banners, fears, lies and, why not, certain modalities. It is not possible in this small text to try, perhaps in vain, to analyze the reason for this situation. I do not think it necessary to type the facts under superficialities and slogans or to attribute this catharsis to an accumulation of situations; sometimes everything is more simple. Today, I smile happily at the break of the order of things, the momentary breakdown of the status quo, from the fire to the symbols of lies and misery; I enjoy the potential of this break. It is not necessary to deceive oneself; it would be naive to believe that the Revolt carries our values or politics. That after catharsis, the Counter of the miseries of sustained existence will reach zero or an inevitable anarchic becoming; it is necessary to enjoy the revolt, enjoy the essential will that undermines all immobility, the flames of a moment becoming chaotic that only by constant combustion can survive and thus maintain its indomitable beauty. Today I smiled for a gift that nobody has given me. Continue reading

Montreal, Quebec: Incendiary Attack Against Migrant Prison Construction Company

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

By accepting to be the general contractor for the new Laval migrant detention center, Tisseur Inc. made a grave mistake. On the night of October 26th we decided to make our contribution to the struggle against the system of borders and prisons in all its forms. We set fire to a truck on the banks of the Lachine Canal, on the site of another Tisseur project. We’re not done.

– anarchists

Turin, Italy: A text from Amma in “Le Vallette” prison (October 9th, 2019)

via: insuscettibilediravvedimento

Translated by act for freedom now!


We are sharing this text written by Amma, imprisoned on 20th September 2019, along with Patrick and Uzzo, on charges of aggravated violence and resistance to public official, damage, spraying, for taking part in a demo on 9th February in Turin in solidarity with Asilo Occupato following its eviction and with those arrested during “Operation Scintilla”, and against the gentrification and militarization of the Aurora neighbourhood.

Amma wants to divulge and circulate among comrades face to face, via email and through publication in websites, more detailed information on what he’s going through in “Le Vallette” prison, the prison conditions and the screws’ violence during these weeks of incarceration.

Communication with Amma is difficult and the information we manage to get is incomplete. Many of his letters have been held, and so far the many telegrams we sent have never reached him. Outgoing letters have arrived in no particular order, over two weeks after being posted. Visits with his mother were granted three weeks after the arrest and we are still waiting for the response to a comrade’s request for visits. A request for house arrest has been rejected and we are waiting for the reasons to be made known.

The news we got only served to increase our rage. On 8th October there was a hearing at the court of review. While Amma was being taken to the court and during it there were heated exchanges and confrontations with the State’s servants, the investigating judge and the public prosecutor in particular. After he was taken back to “Le Vallette”, the loathsome guards laid into Amma. The result: a perforated eardrum due to the screw’s blows; beatings, provocation and threats. Continue reading