Tag Archives: International Solidarity

Makassar, Indonesia: Solidarity with Arrested Anarchist Comrades Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif!

via anarchistsworldwide:


Kepada kawan yang masih setia di jalan pedang pemberontakan, terimalah cinta semesta di dada kalian. Jumlah kami adalah sejumlah semut yang ada di bumi manusia. Akan terus ada, meski berkali-kali dilibas senjata.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

solidaritas sampai semuanya bebas!!!



To friends who are still loyal in the way of the sword of rebellion, accept universal love in your bosom. Our number is the number of ants that exist on human earth. It will continue to exist, even though there are many weapons.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif were anarchists who were arrested for involvement in the burning of a red plate car (a state car) in Makassar, South Sulawesi some time ago.

solidarity until everything is free!!!

Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Toni Chavero on Rotating Hunger Strike in Spanish Prisons


A rotating hunger strike began this September in Spanish prisons to draw attention to the horrible situation in Spanish prisons, tortures, deaths, the basicly nonexistent medical attention, terrible food, bad communication inside/outside, isolation confinement for rebellious prisoners, etc. etc. There are thousands of denouncements of this situation in the offices of the European Union Tribunals, at least from the last 20 years. No one there cares about this nonexistent human rights in Spanish prisons! So the prisoners, with the support of solidarity groups from outside, try to continue the long tradition of struggles against this fascist prisoner system in Spain. So from last September 1st, a small group of prisoners started this rotative hungerstrike and Toni Chavero, an anarchist comrade, actually encaged in the prison of Estremera (Madrid) wrote this letter:

Letter from anarchist prisoner Toni Chavero about the rotating hunger strike in Spanish prisons

Bunker of Estremera (Prison Madrid VII)

5th September, 2019

Cheers, comrades, I am Toni Chavero. I hope that on the arrival of these letters you will find yourself with strength and courage. We need strength, determination and a firm position. I want to thank you, first of all, for joining these rotating hunger strikes. I have been on strike for five days today, but I didn’t even have to start it, the reprisals came earlier. I have been cut off from communications with three comrades for “reasons of security and good order of the establishment.” Since they lack the arguments or connections that lead to this intervention, they continue to violate our rights and freedoms through the nose, we will see what the court says. Although I know this goes on for a long time, I have set out to recover communications with my comrades.

The dentist and the oculist don’t even call me. Reprisals or a Hippocratic oath? Or hypocrite?

The objective of this strike is obvious and necessary: to demand the application of Articles 104.4 and 196 RP to the comrades with chronic diseases, their release without the fascist requirement of having to be in terminal phase, I mean, dead. We’re not gonna stand for this. At least they won’t shut us up. That’s clear to us. Continue reading

Sweden: Prisoner on hunger strike to the death

via 325

Long time civilian prisoner Natalia Pshenkina takes on struggle against the Swedish prison authorities with hungerstrike.

Natalia was sentenced for murder in 2005 and got in contact with political comrades in prison in 2011. She then contacted the current prisoner solidarity group Fånggruppen Syd – Prisoners group of southern sweden, for help with legal assistance. Natalias case has since been worked on as a civilan non-political side case on a personal level by individuals within the former group. Since 2018 Natalias case has more and more taken the form of organizing and fighting by juridical means for better conditions in the Swedish prison system. Natalia took this fight at the prison where she was earlier placed, KVA Ystad, in southern most of todays Sweden. The condition at KVA-Ystad has been growing worse for a long time by reasons such as over crowding and ending of all activities for prisoners due to severe lack of funding.

Because of Natalias struggle she was removed to high security prison Hinseberg in summer of 2019. There Natalia again took up the struggle and demanded better conditions for the prisoners. This was answered by utter silence by the authorities responsible for the complaints and demands by prisoners, as is the case in almost hundred percent of these requests.

Natalia was instead sent to a disciplinary facility and on from there to psychiatric prison, which sent her back. Since Monday September 9th Natalia is on total hunger strike,to the death, against the prison authorities at Hinseberg. She was last heard of on Sept 14th and then already after six days suffering from malnutrition and growing weariness. If more contact is possible with Natalia we will ask her to list the demands in her requests to JO which are the base for her hunger strike. As for the moment we don’t have these technical details. Natalias hunger strike is a fight against the prison authorities and an act of great solidarity also for other prisoners. Due to the sufferings she has takes for these desperate struggles, it is now high time to start counting Natalias case as a political struggle and support her as a prisoner after this measure. We thereby ask you to spread this message to trustworthy activists and group within the left wing groups and communities and to write to and support Natalia by letters or statements. We ask you to acknowledge that the Swedish prison system today stands as the worst example in western Europe after Italy and England. Political prisoners have been severely beaten and isolated for letters to them with political content. For prisoners classed as females, beatings are often precluded by stripping of the clothes with knife in front of male attendants and have been in severe cases been followed by being put naked in isolation cells for many days. Be careful what you write and be ready for the fact that Natalia may not anymore have the health to answer.

Our solidarity is now the only way that Natalia can pursue this struggle.

Members of prisoner solidarity groups in southern Sweden.

Natalia Pshenkina
Hinseberg 120
71892 Frövi

Hamburg, Germany: SPIE Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with the Park Bench 3 & Rebellious Neighborhoods


via Anarchists Worldwide

Undoubtedly, the spaces in which we can move freely sometimes become narrower:
In Hamburg, where the special commissions announce in the media the alleged success of their surveillance teams, their video analyses, DNA sniffing and informer hotlines – everything to re-establish the illusion of their security that they lost in the Summer of 2017.

In Berlin, where every space is supposedly a terror nest, where people take their lives into their own hands instead of entrusting it to investors and real estate companies. Where the media present their puppet Interior Senator who hides his civil war army more democratically than his predecessor.

In Athens, where a fascist government finally wants to implement the purges that its EU and NATO partners have waited so long for. So that the city will become another paradise for investors and tourists. Like some districts in Hamburg, like some districts in Berlin and like every place where the modern form of capitalism eats through districts that are not yet as boring as the exclusive residences as the elites.

To secure its rule, the state relies on corporations to do their dirty work. But the fiery serpent of the anarchist revolt eats its way through these controversial territories on the trail of these companies, destroying whatever it finds.

On the night of September 4th, 2019, we destroyed with fire a vehicle belonging to the infamous prison profiteers SPIE in Hamburg-Wandsbeck.

This small gesture of solidarity goes to the Park Bench 3, to the people who defend Exarcheia against the attacks by the cops and to all who want to make the expected evictions in Berlin a disaster for the government there.

Autonomous Group for the Fight Against Security Companies and Prison Profiteeers

Ireland: Poster for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners August 23-30

To act in solidarity is completely up to the interpretation of an individual or collective. One could write a letter or visit a prisoner. Others could hold an event for prisoner awareness or a benefit gig. But then there are also the lone wolves who creep around in the darkness of night, lighting up the night sky with flames of rage and solidarity. No matter what act of solidarity is done, it’s completely up to the expression of the rebel individual or collective. The point is to show the anarchist fighters encaged in the belly of the beast that they are not alone, we haven’t forgotten them.

Green Anarchy Ireland

Greece: Solidarity with Dinos Giagtzoglou

via: 325
Anarchist Dinos Giagtzoglou was arrested in central Athens on 28 October 2017, one of Greece’s national days, in an ambush by anti-terrorist police forces as he left a safe house-hideout rented by him under a false name, carrying weaponry.
Initially he got imprisoned in the prison of Larissa, a city 355 km from Athens, with the aim of isolating him from his comrades, family and friends, making the talks with the lawyer extremely difficult and preparing for his trial almost impossible since the case files contain thousands of pages in digital format.
On 21 February 2018, he was transferred back to Athens for a pending trial about an old arrest in clashes with the riot police in the context of a general strike against the Greek government’s austerity economic measures in May 2011. After the postponement of this trial he began a hunger strike demanding to be typically transferred to Korydallos prison, close to his place of residence.
In the dawn of 24 February, as he was temporarily in Korydallos prison for this trial and conducting a hunger strike, a group of prison guards along with police special forces clenched the bedridden comrade for the strike to transfer him again to the Larissa prison. As an immediate response, an upheaval broke out among the other prisoners with the occupation of almost all the sections of the prison, the representative of the Ministry of Justice asked for a meeting, for the immediate return of Dinos to the Korydallos prison. The protests are spread in the prisons of Malandrino and Chania and a representative of the Ministry of Justice meets the representatives of the prisoners of the Korydallos prison.
Continue reading

Berlin: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

“Burn all prisons, with or without walls!” The call for a Subversive May, as an extension of the proposal for an Anarchist May 1st in Berlin, is understood by us as a call to extend the attack on different levels. We agree with the idea not to confine ourselves to one day but to constantly and unpredictably attack the functioning of existing society and prove that its security is an illusion.

The apparatus of power includes not only the murderers of the State, but also the mercenaries of the private security companies. Securitas vehicles once parked undisturbed in the GESOBAG housing estate where they act as security guards to prevent the intervention of cops during conflicts with tenants or tensions with the property management. Securitas is also engaged in surveillance work in prisons and public spaces worldwide.

“Recognizing the degenerative metamorphosis of the once “revolutionary subject”, today diluted in that imprecise legion of consumers / citizens, is the inevitable starting point to consolidate a community in conscious war, which contributes vigorously to extend the attack against the system of domination in our century. If we are not able to notice the feeling of participation in which the “mass” dives happily; that is to say, if we do not perceive the accelerated integration of this alienated caterva of “oppressed” and “excluded”, we are not apt to develop anarchic war in our days. For that reason, it is urgent to renew our ship-replace one rotten wood with the erosion of time-and that will only be possible from a critical balance” – from an interview with Alfredo Cospito Continue reading

June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners.


June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. In the 15 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions.

Because social struggles phase in and out, this day is a way to make sure that our imprisoned comrades are not forgotten. Our lack of memory is partially a result of the techno-alienation of the larger culture we’re fighting against. But it’s also a product of the dynamics of the anarchist space. People become burnt out and the cycle of forgetting continues.

June 11th is a way of combating that amnesia, of trying to sustain a long-term memory in the anarchist space. Not only does this generate support for anarchists locked in the state’s prisons, it forces us to look back at what came before. Considering what previous generations did can both inspire us with ideas we’ve forgotten, and help us understand how our current practices came to be. Continue reading

Trial against the accused of Operation Fenix 2 (Czech Republic)

On April 8th, 10th and 12th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!

Ve dnech 8., 10. a 12. dubna 2019 proběhne soudní líčení se čtyřmi anarchisty a jedním environmentalistou obviněnými v kauze Fénix 2. Podpořte obviněné přímo u soudu nebo jinou solidární akcí. Dejte najevo, že jejich budoucnost, stejně jako svoboda nás všech vám není lhostejná. Jakékoliv vyjádření podpory je vítáno! Soud bude probíhat každý den od 8:30 u okresního soudu v Mostě.