Tag Archives: Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Santiago, Chile : second communique from subversive prisoners in the maximum security prison – On the indefinite postponement of transfer and closure of the prison (24/10/2019)

About two weeks ago we made known the State’s decision to review the maximum security prison [CAS, “Cárcel de alta seguridad”], giving our perspective on the matter. This information, which is now public, has changed considerably because of circumstances that prevented the general transfer to other units from happening, so the transfer has been postponed indefinitely.

We firmly insist on the call to face this moment of struggle together, inside and outside the walls, for the destruction of the boundaries that prevent collective progress.

We want to continue to build daily resistance collectively, because we consider it urgent to strengthen all the initiatives that break isolation in this intense moment of conflict [a reference to the widespread revolt in Chile].

We hug those who are by our side and those in solidarity with actions and words, in the organization and the struggle against prison as an inseparable part of the struggle against authority.

We are convinced!

Freedom for the prisoners of the social war!

Solidarity and internationalist brotherhood for the destruction of prisons!

As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!

Juan Flores Riquelme

Juan Aliste Vega

Joaquín García Chanks

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Maximum security prison

Santiago de Chile

24th October 2019



Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

Chile: Statement by Anarchist comrade Marcelo Villarroel on Political Prison in Chile

via: amwenglish

From the high security jail of Santiago de Chile I send these words of greeting to all who meet today in Villa Francia to share visions and experiences around the political prison.

The jail that I live in today is the same one that has taken more than 20 years of my life.

I arrived here at the age of 21, transferred from the former penitentiary at its inauguration on February 20, 1994, leading me in 2004 with the anti-jail fight started with Kamina Libre in 1996.

The KAS was then used to imprison and annihilate the military political subversion of the left. Rodríguistas, Miristas and Mapucistas lautarinos [members of MAPU-Lautaro, an armed left-wing group] were recipients of the perverse dirty war of the government of Aylwin and Frei that managed to defeat the armed projects embodied in the FPMR, the different MIR and the Mapu-Lautaro.

There were many factors that caused this defeat and the prisoners of that generation began to leave after a decade of confinement, one of the toughest in Chilean carceral history.

The composition of social reality was severely transformed by the State and the Capital in the process of bourgeois remaking, thus transforming paradigms, ideas, practices and tensions.

It was in the second half of the ‘90s that the subversive reality began to change definitely as well as the ideas of forces that serve as references and guides for action. Continue reading