Tag Archives: Repression

Athens, Greece: Anti-terrorist operation leads to three comrades arrested and one wanted


On November 9th, 2019, an anti-terrorist operation led to two arrests, charging them with robbery and involvement in a terrorist organization. At the same time, authorities are looking for another comrade in order to give him the same accusations, while arresting a close female comrade on lesser charges.


Message from anarchist comrade Vangelis Stathopoulos from the GADA central anti-terrorist headquarters:

Once again I find myself in GADA accused of acts that do not concern me and in fact it is because I have not stopped fighting against the state and power. The scenarios elaborated by the counter-terrorism do not bother me. I will continue to fight steadfast either outside or inside the prisons.

Vangelis Stathopoulos – GADA dungeon

Makassar, Indonesia: Solidarity with Arrested Anarchist Comrades Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif!

via anarchistsworldwide:


Kepada kawan yang masih setia di jalan pedang pemberontakan, terimalah cinta semesta di dada kalian. Jumlah kami adalah sejumlah semut yang ada di bumi manusia. Akan terus ada, meski berkali-kali dilibas senjata.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif adalah para anarkis yang ditangkap karena terlibat dalam aksi pembakaran mobil plat merah (mobil negara) di makassar, Sulawesi Selatan beberapa saat lalu.

solidaritas sampai semuanya bebas!!!



To friends who are still loyal in the way of the sword of rebellion, accept universal love in your bosom. Our number is the number of ants that exist on human earth. It will continue to exist, even though there are many weapons.

Haerul, Agus, Faruddin and Alif were anarchists who were arrested for involvement in the burning of a red plate car (a state car) in Makassar, South Sulawesi some time ago.

solidarity until everything is free!!!

Greece: Update on the trial of imprisoned anarchist comrade Konstantinos Giagztoglou

via: 325

On Friday, September 20, 2019, in the special courtroom of the Korydallos prison, the trial against anarchist comrade Konstantinos Giagztoglou began.


Dinos was arrested in October 2017 in an anti-terrorist ambush when he left an apartment in central Athens, which he rented with false ID to help a persecuted comrade. He was arrested with an order issued by Special Investigator Eutychis Nikopoulos for the case of intercepted letter-bomb packages which were sent to officials of the European economic and political elite in the spring of that year. Since then he has been detained and accused of participating in a “terrorist organization”, as well as construction and dispatch of explosive devices to officials of financial institutions and rating agencies throughout Europe, as well as an attempted murder for the package that injured Loukas Papadimos, the former prime minister of Greece. The comrade has declared from the first moment of his arrest and in an open letter to the anarchist movement, that renting the apartment was a conscious choice in the context of revolutionary solidarity, but does not accept any of the other accusations.

At the same time, the German and French police were called to investigate the package received by the Federal Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schäuble, which was identified by the security staff of the German ministry in Berlin, and for the package received by the IMF representative for Europe, Franks Jeffrey, which exploded at its headquarters in Paris. The recipients of the remaining 8 packages, identified by the ELTA Anti-Terrorist Detection Center in Kryoneri, in the order indicated in the case file, were the following: Continue reading

Italy: Update on Operation Prometheus

via: 325

and insuscettibile di ravvedimento  [IT/EN/FR]

Italy: “Prometeo” repressive operation – Update on Natascia and a few words on the reasons given to confirm her precautionary custody in prison (September 2019)

“Trials are set up for anarchists for what anarchists are, enemies of the State”.

A little more than one week ago, a public ordinance of the Milan tribunal was published, which outlined the reasons given during the review that confirmed her precautionary custody while she is awaiting trial. This previously happened with Robert and Beppe, who were also arrested on 21 May as part of a repressive operation called “Prometeo”.

A slew of reasons were subdivided into many paragraphs that were titled, “degree of harmfulness of rudimentary ordnances sent”, “the need for precautionary measures”, “evidence of serious indications of guilt” and the “juridical qualification of the offence in the perspective of some constituent elements, including under the profile of the psychological element”.

All indications point to the fact that it is what the accused represent as individuals, more than proof that is incontrovertible or incontestable. In fact the paragraph on the “degree of harmfulness of rudimentary ordnances sent” concludes with “that being said, even if we wanted to believe that the ordnances were not such as to put the lives of the recipients at risk […] the College considers that the crime and the potential […] are unveiled in any case – for the methods of conduct, the personalities of the accused and the context in which they were involved – a significant danger of the material authors, with consequent substantial irrelevance, in terms of a strictly precautionary assessment, of the effective attitude of the ordnances to disrupt the lives of people”. Continue reading

Bulgaria: Antifascist Comrade Jock Palfreeman Paroled, Transferred to Immigration Detention


via: Anarchists Worldwide

20.09.19: According to the latest reports from Bulgarian media, antifascist comrade Jock Palfreeman, who was granted parole yesterday, has been released from Sofia Prison but transferred immediately to the Sofia Busmantsi Immigration Detention Centre. According to the media this is because Comrade Jock does not have a valid passport or identity documents. He will remain at the detention centre until he receives a new passport. It is not clear whether he will then remain in Bulgaria or leave the country.

Comrade Jock was filmed and photographed being escorted from the prison by plainclothes officers to a waiting car. Comrade Jock yelled out to waiting reporters “Thanks to Desislav Traykov, Deputy Chief of Prison!” before being bustled into the vehicle. Desislav Traykov recently resigned from his post following a scandal involving a 16 year old drug trafficker.

Many sectors of the Bulgarian political elite are outraged at the release of Comrade Jock, however media reports indicate that the decision to grant Jock parole is final.

Italy: “Prometeo” operation – Text of Robert from the prison of Bancali (Sassari) and transfer of Beppe

via 325

Hello everyone!

I am Robert and from 6 July I find myself locked up in the prison of Sassari. I am accused together with two comrades of sending “explosive bags” to two public prosecutors, Sparagna and Rinaudo, and to the director of the DAP [1]. At dawn on May 21st [2019] we were searched and taken to jail. Beppe and I were locked up in Opera, where we spent a month in the “observation” section. This is the area where prisoners are placed who must serve the 15 days of punitive isolation or those considered to be of high risk for self-harm. In our case, we found ourselves in that section, given that Opera does not have an AS2 [“High Surveillance 2”] but “only” AS1, AS3 and the inevitable 41bis. Having been banned from communicating with the other inmates, we spent a month in single cells with the blind permanently closed and an hour of air in the morning in a squalid narrow courtyard. In that section it was also forbidden to use cookers, so we adapted to the prison food, which was almost always inedible. Not that I had ever had any expectations for these places of psychological and physical annihilation.

After a month the transfer arrived, and they took me to AS2 in Terni where I stayed for two weeks. Not satisfied with the movements, on 6 July they transferred me to Sassari where there is an AS2 so far used to lock up the Islamic prisoners accused of terrorism; evidently 2019 is the year in which to experiment the anarchist / Islamic combination.

This place is defined by the prisoners themselves as “La Guantanamo d’Italia” for the harshness and restrictions of the regime itself and for its remoteness from everything that, in addition to making the talks difficult, completely paves the way for the administration of the prison in making decisions and measures even more arbitrarily. Continue reading

Mexico City: Update on the situation of comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa)

via actforfree

Mexico City: Update on the situation of compa Mario Tripa
We located the comrade Mario Tripa, on Monday September 2, he had been taken to the Reclusorio Norte [north prison] of Mexico City.
To this day the comrade remains incommunicado and isolated.
He is accused of attacks against the public peace and damage, these crimes are the ones that the State has been using to repress us and lock us up in the country’s capital since 2012. This imputation is new and different from legal proceedings for which the comrade was in the situation of being on the run.
The comrades who are carrying out Mario’s legal defence inform us that there could be the possibility of his being granted bail. The amount has not been decided yet.Following the arrest of the comrade, we expect a new offensive from the Mexican State, both the government of the capital and the Federal government, against all the anarchist comrades in the territory controlled by the Mexican government.
We are calling for a concentration in front of the courts of reclusorio norte, on Friday, September 6 at 10 in the morning.

¡In the face of their attacks, organisation and solidarity!

¡Fire to the prisons!
¡Freedom now!
Thank you very much for spreading the compa’s info (A)
send by email 5.8.19, and translated to English by Act for freedom now!

Italy: ‘Operation Prometheus’ – Anarchist Comrade Natascia Transferred to Piacenza Prison

We learn of the transfer, which took place on July 30th, of the anarchist Natascia Savio from the prison of L’Aquila to that of Piacenza. Natascia was arrested on May 21st 2019 in the context of the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”) along with two other comrades, Robert e Giuseppe. The last two have also recently been transferred further, respectively to the prisons of Bancali (Sassari, in Sardinia) and Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza).
We recall that the main accusation against the comrades is of “attack with the purpose of terrorism or subversion”, as they are held responsible for sending three bomb packages arrived in June 2017 to the public prosecutors Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and the anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the trial for the “Scripta Manent” operation) and Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rome. They are not accused of any “associative” crime (such as articles 270 or 270bis, penal code).
Following the transfer of Natascia to the prison of Piacenza, only the anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (arrested in September 2016 for the “Scripta Manent” operation and sentenced to 17 years in prison in April this year) remains detained in the section AS2 of L’Aquila, a section against which the anarchist prisoners held there carried out the hunger strike from 29 May until the very last days of June, which were also joined by other comrades in other prisons.
Here the addresses of those arrested for the “Prometeo” operation:
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Robert Firozpoor
C. C. di Sassari – Bancali
strada provinciale 56, n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari
Giuseppe Bruna
C. R. di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
(via Insuscettibile di Ravvedimento)

Italy: Updates on the Anarchists Arrested for the “Prometeo” Operation

via: 325
After the arrests of 21 May 2019 for the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”), Robert and Beppe were imprisoned in the Opera prison in Milan until June 21st, while Natascia was imprisoned in France.
In the maximum security prison of Opera, Robert and Beppe spent an entire month in isolation in section 41bis, as there is no AS2 section [“High Surveillance 2”], with only an hour a day of “socializing” by being able to see each other, and the rest of the day with the barrier closed. This “illegal” regime was reported to the judge, PM and guarantor of the detainees, especially since the isolation had not been requested by the judge, but nothing changed for a month.
Saturday, May 25th, a warm greeting of solidarity under the prison was heard and welcomed.
Talks have been authorized for those who have requested it; letters and books have been received and sent even if slowly, they have received money and packages with clothes and food with some arbitrary prohibition on the passage of certain things by the guards (apparently cooked white rice and books with photos of mountain landscapes have been incomprehensibly incriminated). In particular, Beppe received several ill-treatment by the guards, including homophobic insults, missed access to the showers for 3 days, he was not given food for at least twice and after the colloquy he was left alone for at least two hours in a small room before being returned to the cell. Continue reading

Greece: News Concerning Anarchist Comrade Kostas Sakkas

via actforfree
As an act of revenge the comrade has been transferred to the basement of the women’s prison of Korydallos in Athens  in order to attend the ongoing trial for the “Thieves of Distomos” case.
The transfer service recorded him as a prisoner to the men’s prisons of Koridallos. At this time he is being irregularly imprisoned in another prison and in a special detention regime with a ban on visits and deprivation of basic formalities, since he is typically “invisible”.
The involvement of the anti-terrorist police is evident in this event and reveals its fury towards unrepentant militants such as Comrade Kostas Sakkas by deciding on the transfer of detainees judged to be “particularly dangerous”. 





more information:
Updates 19.6.19 , for anarchist comrades K. Sakkas and G. Dimitrakis
Text from Gannis, Kostas and Dimitra, from the dungeons of the General Police headquarters 16/6/2019
Updates 13.6.19, about the arrests of 3 anarchist comrades during an expropriation
About the arrests of 3 comrades during an expropriation