Author Archives: abc-hurricane

Chile: Statement by Anarchist comrade Marcelo Villarroel on Political Prison in Chile

via: amwenglish

From the high security jail of Santiago de Chile I send these words of greeting to all who meet today in Villa Francia to share visions and experiences around the political prison.

The jail that I live in today is the same one that has taken more than 20 years of my life.

I arrived here at the age of 21, transferred from the former penitentiary at its inauguration on February 20, 1994, leading me in 2004 with the anti-jail fight started with Kamina Libre in 1996.

The KAS was then used to imprison and annihilate the military political subversion of the left. Rodríguistas, Miristas and Mapucistas lautarinos [members of MAPU-Lautaro, an armed left-wing group] were recipients of the perverse dirty war of the government of Aylwin and Frei that managed to defeat the armed projects embodied in the FPMR, the different MIR and the Mapu-Lautaro.

There were many factors that caused this defeat and the prisoners of that generation began to leave after a decade of confinement, one of the toughest in Chilean carceral history.

The composition of social reality was severely transformed by the State and the Capital in the process of bourgeois remaking, thus transforming paradigms, ideas, practices and tensions.

It was in the second half of the ‘90s that the subversive reality began to change definitely as well as the ideas of forces that serve as references and guides for action. Continue reading

Greece: Contribution to the international meeting against the techno-sciences (Italy – July 2019) by anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou, prisoner of the Greek state.


via Resistenze al Nanomondo

IT: Contributo per l’incontro internazionale contro le tecno-scienze (Italia – luglio 2019) dell’anarchico Dino Giagtzoglou, prigioniero dello stato greco

GR: Ντίνος Γιαγτζόγλου: Συνεισφορά Στη Διεθνή Συνάντηση Ενάντια Στις Τεχνο-Επιστήμες

Contribution to the international meeting against the techno-sciences (Italy – July 2019) by anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou, prisoner of the Greek state


I start this letter with a certainty. I am sure that our life experiences are very different as well as the starting points of the struggle of each and every one. I also think that with many of you we have different ideological origins and disagreements or contrasts on individual issues. But I firmly believe that the will to resist the plans of Domination, stemming from the awareness of the fundamental social alienation that alienates us from ourselves and nature as a whole, and the revolutionary passion for the destruction of the mega-machine of Power unite us in a common vision of a world free from the shackles of civilization. By going through a variety of analyzes, striding kilometer distances and eliminating in practice the language obstacles, since we recognize that there is the community of struggle for total liberation, we can really keep the flame of the revolt lit and the wager of the social revolution open. I therefore send a warm greeting to the Resistenze Al Nanomondo collective and to all the participants in the international meeting against the techno-sciences, expressing in advance my eagerness to fill the gaps in knowledge, that my absence will undoubtedly cause, by studying your reflections, your conclusions and everything you can get me through the actions and collaborations that will come from your fermentations in Italy.

But let’s take things in turn. For 21 months now, I have been pre-trial detained in the Greek prisons because I made the decision, like many fighters around the world, to realize my ideas by taking a battle position in the social war and fighting against power, here and now. So I am in prison because I put my ideas into practice beyond the limits of the law and certainly not by accident.

With the firm conviction that the revolution will either be lawless or it will be nothing, I wanted to give a concrete example – in the first person and in the present tense – of what revolutionary solidarity could mean, beyond the dipoles of innocence and guilt, of legality and illegality, by providing shelter to a persecuted comrade. That is why I am buried in tons of cement and iron, risking to be condemned for the “terrorist” attacks with booby-trapped letter envelopes on EU officials, executives of economic organizations and credit rating agencies sent in the spring of 2017, with which I have denied my correlation since my arrest, but the odds of my conviction for them remain high. Of course no one was found in prison simply because one decided to fight against oppression and exploitation. My current status is the actual proof that I made mistakes. Mistakes in some decisions I made in relation both to myself and to other individuals with whom I misguidedly felt we have been sharing a common struggle. Mistakes that cost dozens of years of imprisonment, mistakes that may be unforgivable, but certainly neither them nor prison itself can cancel my permanent determination for struggle, struggle, struggle… under any circumstances. So I can only breathe through the endeavors of the comrades who are outside the walls and continue the struggle. I want to support such efforts because through them I am inspiring and essentially exist, I live for them! And so I see these three days too. Continue reading

Chile: Statement by Marcelo Villarroel on Political Prison in Chile

via AMW English

From the high security jail of Santiago de Chile I send these words of greeting to all who meet today in Villa Francia to share visions and experiences around the political prison.

The jail that I live in today is the same one that has taken more than 20 years of my life.

I arrived here at the age of 21, transferred from the former penitentiary at its inauguration on February 20, 1994, leading me in 2004 with the anti-jail fight started with Kamina Libre in 1996.

The KAS was then used to imprison and annihilate the military political subversion of the left. Rodríguistas, Miristas and Mapucistas lautarinos [members of MAPU-Lautaro, an armed left-wing group] were recipients of the perverse dirty war of the government of Aylwin and Frei that managed to defeat the armed projects embodied in the FPMR, the different MIR and the Mapu-Lautaro.

There were many factors that caused this defeat and the prisoners of that generation began to leave after a decade of confinement, one of the toughest in Chilean carceral history.

The composition of social reality was severely transformed by the State and the Capital in the process of bourgeois remaking, thus transforming paradigms, ideas, practices and tensions.

It was in the second half of the ‘90s that the subversive reality began to change definitely as well as the ideas of forces that serve as references and guides for action. Continue reading

Italy: “Prometeo” operation – An update about Giuseppe

via insuscettibile di ravvedimento

In recent weeks, as already written, Beppe was transferred from the AS2 [“High Surveillance 2”] section of the Rossano Calabro prison to the Pavia prison. The interview with the lawyer showed that he is in the protected section, where there are collaborators of justice, former law enforcement officers, sex offenders and trans and homosexual prisoners (who have explicitly requested to be among the protected). Beppe had requested to be transferred from the Rossano AS2, where the vast majority of prisoners are Islamic, due to incompatibility and had also requested an approach to his home, thus indicating the AS2 sections of the north-center of Italy where there are currently anarchist comrades. The provocative response to his request was the transfer to the protected section of the Pavia prison. Let’s not leave him alone!

To send letters and telegrams to Giuseppe:

Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italia [Italy]

Italy: “Prometeo” operation – Text of Robert from the prison of Bancali (Sassari) and transfer of Beppe

via 325

Hello everyone!

I am Robert and from 6 July I find myself locked up in the prison of Sassari. I am accused together with two comrades of sending “explosive bags” to two public prosecutors, Sparagna and Rinaudo, and to the director of the DAP [1]. At dawn on May 21st [2019] we were searched and taken to jail. Beppe and I were locked up in Opera, where we spent a month in the “observation” section. This is the area where prisoners are placed who must serve the 15 days of punitive isolation or those considered to be of high risk for self-harm. In our case, we found ourselves in that section, given that Opera does not have an AS2 [“High Surveillance 2”] but “only” AS1, AS3 and the inevitable 41bis. Having been banned from communicating with the other inmates, we spent a month in single cells with the blind permanently closed and an hour of air in the morning in a squalid narrow courtyard. In that section it was also forbidden to use cookers, so we adapted to the prison food, which was almost always inedible. Not that I had ever had any expectations for these places of psychological and physical annihilation.

After a month the transfer arrived, and they took me to AS2 in Terni where I stayed for two weeks. Not satisfied with the movements, on 6 July they transferred me to Sassari where there is an AS2 so far used to lock up the Islamic prisoners accused of terrorism; evidently 2019 is the year in which to experiment the anarchist / Islamic combination.

This place is defined by the prisoners themselves as “La Guantanamo d’Italia” for the harshness and restrictions of the regime itself and for its remoteness from everything that, in addition to making the talks difficult, completely paves the way for the administration of the prison in making decisions and measures even more arbitrarily. Continue reading

Hamburg, Germany: Letter from One of the Park Bench 3 from Holstenglacis Prison

Saturday August 10, 2019

Hello everyone !

It has now been a little over a month since we three of the Park Bench were arrested and, in a second time, two of us were taken into custody. In this letter, I would like to describe a little bit about my personal situation, here in jail. I can not say anything about the charges or the progress of the court process, because we can not communicate between people involved. I can only agree with the council not to indulge in speculation, gossip and panic.

The solidarity and support we receive here are wonderful and breathtaking. The many letters, the words of greetings, the photos and the gather give us strength and confidence. You are awesome.

Now, preventive detention. This means, here, at least during the first months, 23 hours of confinement in 10 square meters, with bed, table, chair, wardrobe, toilet and sink. An hour’s walk in the courtyard, in my case with the other prisoners on my floor, alternately morning or afternoon. We wake up at 6:30, with a loud alarm, lunch is at 11:30, dinner is served at 16:30 and must also be enough for breakfast, because in the morning there is only hot water or tea. Food is usually enough to make ends meet, but those who want a balanced diet depend on the “canteen” to buy things from the prison. Every Wednesday, the lists of orders, in German language, are collected the next day. Saturday, we will get our order. It’s not exactly cheap and it’s paid with the money from our account at the prison. On top of that there is the money we had in our pocket at the time of the arrest, the money sent from the outside and our insignificant salary, if we work during preventive detention. Unlike detention following a conviction, here work is not an obligation and we work mainly in prison services – cooking, cleaning, painting, laundry ….

Other “privileges” – a rental radio, a rental television, participation in sports groups, discussion circles, courses, etc. must be requested from the school management and, of course, all the prison bureaucracy works only in German. Processing of these requests takes at least a few weeks. The prison guards are extremely abrupt and all information on daily life in prison must be drawn through their noses, the questions annoy them and they give answers reluctantly and in anger; only a few speak English. Continue reading

Hamburg, Germany: SPIE Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with the Park Bench 3 & Rebellious Neighborhoods


via Anarchists Worldwide

Undoubtedly, the spaces in which we can move freely sometimes become narrower:
In Hamburg, where the special commissions announce in the media the alleged success of their surveillance teams, their video analyses, DNA sniffing and informer hotlines – everything to re-establish the illusion of their security that they lost in the Summer of 2017.

In Berlin, where every space is supposedly a terror nest, where people take their lives into their own hands instead of entrusting it to investors and real estate companies. Where the media present their puppet Interior Senator who hides his civil war army more democratically than his predecessor.

In Athens, where a fascist government finally wants to implement the purges that its EU and NATO partners have waited so long for. So that the city will become another paradise for investors and tourists. Like some districts in Hamburg, like some districts in Berlin and like every place where the modern form of capitalism eats through districts that are not yet as boring as the exclusive residences as the elites.

To secure its rule, the state relies on corporations to do their dirty work. But the fiery serpent of the anarchist revolt eats its way through these controversial territories on the trail of these companies, destroying whatever it finds.

On the night of September 4th, 2019, we destroyed with fire a vehicle belonging to the infamous prison profiteers SPIE in Hamburg-Wandsbeck.

This small gesture of solidarity goes to the Park Bench 3, to the people who defend Exarcheia against the attacks by the cops and to all who want to make the expected evictions in Berlin a disaster for the government there.

Autonomous Group for the Fight Against Security Companies and Prison Profiteeers

Germany: “With A Free Heart And Resolute Hands” – Solidarity Poster for the Park Bench 3

A3 PDF poster link


On the night of July 7, 2019, three anarchists were arrested in a park in Hamburg. They are accused of carrying incendiary devices. Two of them are in pre-trial detention, while the third is released on conditions. (more info:

Why would the State freak out so much about a few unused litres of benzine and a lighter?

Why would the State feel threatened to the point that these basic, simple and widely accessible materials, could cause such a mass operation: one of the highest prosecution offices handling the case, months of preventive detention, a media spectacle of slander that sings victory about the arrest of three “extremists”?

Why would the State be worried about some matches tied around a fire-starter, when it has an ever growing and innovative arsenal at its disposal, which it uses without scruples, composed of technology, infrastructure, weapons, armies, a propaganda machine to create consensus and confusion, a population dependent and numbed by the compulsive consumption of uselessness?

Perhaps these simple tools, widely available and within everyone’s reach, are often accompanied by something much more powerful, that no statesman, soldier or scientist will ever grasp: what a free heart and resolute hands can accomplish. Continue reading

Athens, Greece : The fourth trial against R.O. – Revolutionary Struggle continues…

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!
We receive and spread an update:
The fourth trial against Revolutionary Struggle for the charges concerning robberies, some of them attributed to the organization, will continue on Thursday 5th September 2019 at 9:30am. As known, the trial will take place in the courtroom inside the prison of Korydallos.
The next appointment is due on Tuesday 10th September. Successive dates were also set: Thursday 12/9, Friday 13/9, Wednesday 18/9, Tuesday 24/9 and Friday 27/9.
Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle [Επαναστατικού Αγώνα]

Mexico City: Update on the situation of comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa)

via actforfree

Mexico City: Update on the situation of compa Mario Tripa
We located the comrade Mario Tripa, on Monday September 2, he had been taken to the Reclusorio Norte [north prison] of Mexico City.
To this day the comrade remains incommunicado and isolated.
He is accused of attacks against the public peace and damage, these crimes are the ones that the State has been using to repress us and lock us up in the country’s capital since 2012. This imputation is new and different from legal proceedings for which the comrade was in the situation of being on the run.
The comrades who are carrying out Mario’s legal defence inform us that there could be the possibility of his being granted bail. The amount has not been decided yet.Following the arrest of the comrade, we expect a new offensive from the Mexican State, both the government of the capital and the Federal government, against all the anarchist comrades in the territory controlled by the Mexican government.
We are calling for a concentration in front of the courts of reclusorio norte, on Friday, September 6 at 10 in the morning.

¡In the face of their attacks, organisation and solidarity!

¡Fire to the prisons!
¡Freedom now!
Thank you very much for spreading the compa’s info (A)
send by email 5.8.19, and translated to English by Act for freedom now!