Tag Archives: Joaquín García Chanks

Santiago, Chile : second communique from subversive prisoners in the maximum security prison – On the indefinite postponement of transfer and closure of the prison (24/10/2019)

About two weeks ago we made known the State’s decision to review the maximum security prison [CAS, “Cárcel de alta seguridad”], giving our perspective on the matter. This information, which is now public, has changed considerably because of circumstances that prevented the general transfer to other units from happening, so the transfer has been postponed indefinitely.

We firmly insist on the call to face this moment of struggle together, inside and outside the walls, for the destruction of the boundaries that prevent collective progress.

We want to continue to build daily resistance collectively, because we consider it urgent to strengthen all the initiatives that break isolation in this intense moment of conflict [a reference to the widespread revolt in Chile].

We hug those who are by our side and those in solidarity with actions and words, in the organization and the struggle against prison as an inseparable part of the struggle against authority.

We are convinced!

Freedom for the prisoners of the social war!

Solidarity and internationalist brotherhood for the destruction of prisons!

As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!

Juan Flores Riquelme

Juan Aliste Vega

Joaquín García Chanks

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Maximum security prison

Santiago de Chile

24th October 2019



Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

Chile: Subversive Prisoners Joaquin Garcia Chanks and Juan Aliste Vega on Insurrection in Chile

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net/2019

Statement by compañero Joaquín García Chanks on the context of Revolt.

We have witnessed a seemingly unpredictable phenomenon; thousands of young people from a virtually innocuous claim, have given free rein to their weariness with their daily life, destroying symbols and banners, fears, lies and, why not, certain modalities. It is not possible in this small text to try, perhaps in vain, to analyze the reason for this situation. I do not think it necessary to type the facts under superficialities and slogans or to attribute this catharsis to an accumulation of situations; sometimes everything is more simple. Today, I smile happily at the break of the order of things, the momentary breakdown of the status quo, from the fire to the symbols of lies and misery; I enjoy the potential of this break. It is not necessary to deceive oneself; it would be naive to believe that the Revolt carries our values or politics. That after catharsis, the Counter of the miseries of sustained existence will reach zero or an inevitable anarchic becoming; it is necessary to enjoy the revolt, enjoy the essential will that undermines all immobility, the flames of a moment becoming chaotic that only by constant combustion can survive and thus maintain its indomitable beauty. Today I smiled for a gift that nobody has given me. Continue reading

June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners.


June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. In the 15 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions.

Because social struggles phase in and out, this day is a way to make sure that our imprisoned comrades are not forgotten. Our lack of memory is partially a result of the techno-alienation of the larger culture we’re fighting against. But it’s also a product of the dynamics of the anarchist space. People become burnt out and the cycle of forgetting continues.

June 11th is a way of combating that amnesia, of trying to sustain a long-term memory in the anarchist space. Not only does this generate support for anarchists locked in the state’s prisons, it forces us to look back at what came before. Considering what previous generations did can both inspire us with ideas we’ve forgotten, and help us understand how our current practices came to be. Continue reading