Tag Archives: Miguel Peralta

Mexico: Call For International Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Miguel Peralta

ABCH- Unfortunately that we did not get this information until the week of agitation for Miguel was over, however we still present his story and the details of his companerxs in solidarity in order that his plight be known.
via: AMW English
Compañerxs from different geographies:
We send our greetings from Mexico, where we are engaged in a struggle to free our compas from state capture and tear down the prison walls.
We are a small solidarity group who have spent the last four years accompanying Miguel Peralta, Indigenous anarchist prisoner of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. Miguel was detained for defending the traditional forms of organization in his community and denouncing the abuses of a cacique group that holds economic and political power there. This group has maintained an environment of repression and harassment in the community for over nine years.
After a long, tedious, and exhausting trial, Miguel was sentenced on October 26th, 2018, to fifty years in prison for two crimes that he did not commit. This sentence was dictated in spite of his legal defense team presenting the necessary evidence to prove that he is not responsible for these crimes and that his case is full of legal irregularities. We know well that this was a politically motivated sentence against Miguel, and that there is no other reason for him to be imprisoned and sentenced.
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