Tag Archives: Italy

Italy: “Prometeo” Operation – New account coordinates to use to support Natascia, Robert and Beppe and to contribute to their procedural expenses (November 2019)

via: insuscettibilediravvedimento

New coordinates of the bank accounts to use to support Natascia, Robert and Beppe (our comrades in jail since May 21st, 2019, due to the repressive operation called “Prometeo”) and to contribute to their procedural expenses.

– Postepay evolution
Accountholder: Vanessa Ferrara.
N° 5333 1710 9103 5440
Iban: IT89U3608105138251086351095

– Postepay evolution
Accountholder: Ilaria Benedetta Pasini.
N° 5333 1710 8931 9699
Iban: IT43K3608105138213368613377

Note: On May 21st, 2019, three anarchists were arrested in the context of a repressive operation called “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”) and carried out by the ROS (Raggruppamento Operazioni Speciali, “Special Operational Grouping”) of carabinieri (Italian police force). Some searches have also been carried out.
The main accusation is of “attack with terrorist or subversive purposes”, as they were held responsible for sending three bomb packages arrived in June 2017 to the prosecutors Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and the anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the trial for the “Scripta Manent” operation) and Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria, “Department of Penitentiary Administration”) of Rome. They are not accused of any “associative” crime (such as articles 270 or 270bis of the Italian penal code).
A comrade, Natascia, was arrested in France and was transferred to Italy, in the Rebibbia prison (Rome). Between July and August 2019, on several occasions, with the clear intention of weakening the conditions and aggravating the isolation, they were transferred to the prisons of Alessandria, L’Aquila, Terni, Sassari, Rossano Calabro, Piacenza and Pavia. In June, Natascia participated in the hunger strike against the restrictions and conditions of the female AS2 (Alta Sorveglianza 2, “High Surveillance 2”) section of the prison of L’Aquila, destined to lock up the anarchists.
These are the addresses of Natascia, Robert and Giuseppe:
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Italia – Italy
Robert Firozpoor
C. C. di Sassari – Bancali
strada provinciale 56, n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari
Italia – Italy
Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italia – Italy


Italy: To the Burning Hearts. Collective Text of Anarchists Arrested in Operation Renata in Trentino (October 18, 2019)

via:  amwenglish.com

The following is a collective text by anarchist comrades, arrested in the repressive operation Renata, in Trentino, Italy.

The anarchist does not look to success, to victory, to competition. Fight because it’s right. And in any fight the loss is part of life. He does not change his mind because he loses and even less renounces the subsequent struggle. The system feeds itself on the people who do not struggle, not because they are invincible. The work of the anarchist is to instill a revolt in the people, not in segments but continually. Like a wave that withdraws and then returns. You ask me if we will win? You ask me the wrong question. Ask me if we will fight and I will answer yes.
– Luigi Galleani

Today we decided to have our say on the “Renata” operation. In other writings the inquiry was analyzed, both in regard to the general repressive aspects of the State, and in regard to the technological, inquisitorial and juridical tools used to hit those who still dare to fight for something different and still are on the wings of freedom.

We have decided not to go to the Court that will judge us. It is not the courtroom where we choose to speak today.

We want to say in those places where we struggle, where there is still a critical spirit, wherever there are conscious men and women that so many things must be changed now, that this state of affairs must be revolutionized.

So we will talk about the facts we are accused of or that are included in the investigation.

These actions – nocturnal or diurnal, individual or collective – are part of a conflict that goes far beyond the specific facts or the territory in which they are located. They are the result of a wider battle, that between the exploited, the exploiters and those who defend them.

We share the spirit, ethics, method and goals of these actions, regardless of who performed them. They speak for themselves, they are understandable to most, they point to a path – that of liberation. They point the finger at those who live by exploitation and war, by hatred and violence, they hope for something more, something that puts an end to the worst atrocities and barbarism, but above all they aim to destroy the wall of resignation, in such poor times of human solidarity, of rebellion, critical thinking. Continue reading

Prison of Rossano Calabro, Italia: Report of the talk with the deported Sardinian imprisoned anarchist Davide Delogu

via: 325

After months of struggles by Davide (followed by 3 complaints and months of isolation) we were able to get a talk authorized. During the talk Davide confirmed that the punitive transfer to the prison of Rossano Calabro, where he is now imprisoned, is due precisely to these complaints (in total he has 15 for his struggles in prisons and especially in the Sicilian isolation).

He is keen to let us know the condition we live in Rossano, where detainees punished from all over Italy are imprisoned and in his section many have made the 14 bis [particular prison surveillance measure, in which a form of isolation is applied to the prisoner; not to be confused with the detention regime in 41 bis] and even long sentences. David still has 2 years of disciplinary isolation, but they prefer not to have them start in this prison because they know of his file and David’s previous struggles in isolation.

He is well, physically fit and morally strong, despite all he has had to face in the approximately 5 years of isolation he has done between various 14 bis, the disciplinary ones and those without any title.

In Rossano he is always locked up in his cell, he takes little time to walk because he manage his time between training, readings and correspondence and also because he can’t stand the guards giving orders; the guards at the walk are often muted by him because he refuse to pass into the metal detector (in the prison there are many of these tools, placed in each entrance).

He send a greeting in solidarity to all.

To write to Davide, the address is as follows:

Davide Delogu
C. R. di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
Italia [Italy]

Italy: “Scripta Manent” operation – Update on the bank account in support of imprisoned anarchists

We announce the deactivation of the current bank account used to collect the money in support of anarchists imprisoned for the “Scripta Manent” operation and trial, and the restoration of the previous account used in recent years.

Accountholder: Omar Nioi – PostePay card number: 5333 1710 6579 6796 – IBAN code, necessary for international transfers and payments: IT93D3608105138289167089173 – BIC code, necessary for international transfers and payments: BPPIITRRXXX

We make yet another appeal to contribute, given the scarcity of funds, and the commitment to make four monthly money orders. In addition, there are new major legal costs to file the appeal (we have a 45-day deadline) following the announcement of the reasons for the first instance sentence.


via: insuscettibilediravvedimento.

Trento, Italy: “Renata” repressive operation – Beginning of the trial


via: insuscettibile di ravvedimento

Solidarity with the anarchists arrested for the “Renata” operation, accused of attacking the headquarters of State racism, the apparatus of technological control, the exploitation agencies, the armed banks, the servants in uniform of power.

If they are “innocent” they have all our solidarity.
If they are “guilty” they have even more.

Friday, October 18, 2019

9.00 am: Presence of solidarity inside and outside the court of Trento (largo Pigarelli) for the start of the trial.
6.00 pm: Solidarity gathering in Verdi street (in front of the Faculty of Sociology), in Trento.

Freedom for Agnese, Giulio, Stecco, Rupert, Sasha, Poza, Nico.
Terrorist is the State.

France: Update about Vincenzo Vecchi (September 2019)

via: insuscettibile di ravvedimento
Anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi was arrested on Thursday, August 8, 2019 in France. The arrest was carried out by the French cops and (as reported by the scum media) was made possible by the contribution of the agents of the “Service for the fight against extremism and internal terrorism” and of the Antiterrorism section of the DIGOS of Milan, which through “a close investigative connection” with the French police were able to identify the comrade. Against him two European arrest warrants had been issued by the prosecutors of Milan and Genoa.
Vincenzo had been “on the run” since 2012, following the final sentence of 11 years and six months that was imposed on charges of “devastation and pillage, robbery and carrying of weapons” following Black Bloc actions against the G8 summit that took place in Genoa, Italy in July 2001.
On August 23rd, the court ordered further information to the Italian justice authorities, before October 10th, to clarify various points concerning convictions in Italy. Vincenzo was also sentenced to four years in prison for his participation in an anti-fascist demonstration in Milan, in 2006, against “Fiamma Tricolore” political party. About sixty relatives, friends and comrades were present before the Court of Appeal of Rennes where his request for release was studied. Previously, on August 22nd, the investigating chamber ordered a feasibility investigation for possible house arrest with electronic surveillance.
On Friday, 27 September, the Rennes Court of Appeal refused the application for release of the comrade pending extradition hearing. A new hearing is expected in the next few weeks in the same court to decide whether Vincenzo will be handed over to the Italian authorities.
Here the address of Vincenzo:
Vincenzo Vecchi
n° d’écrou: 14944
Centre pénitentiaire de Rennes-Vezin
7, rue du Petit Pré
35747 Vezin-le-Coquet

Italy: Update on Operation Prometheus

via: 325

and insuscettibile di ravvedimento  [IT/EN/FR]

Italy: “Prometeo” repressive operation – Update on Natascia and a few words on the reasons given to confirm her precautionary custody in prison (September 2019)

“Trials are set up for anarchists for what anarchists are, enemies of the State”.

A little more than one week ago, a public ordinance of the Milan tribunal was published, which outlined the reasons given during the review that confirmed her precautionary custody while she is awaiting trial. This previously happened with Robert and Beppe, who were also arrested on 21 May as part of a repressive operation called “Prometeo”.

A slew of reasons were subdivided into many paragraphs that were titled, “degree of harmfulness of rudimentary ordnances sent”, “the need for precautionary measures”, “evidence of serious indications of guilt” and the “juridical qualification of the offence in the perspective of some constituent elements, including under the profile of the psychological element”.

All indications point to the fact that it is what the accused represent as individuals, more than proof that is incontrovertible or incontestable. In fact the paragraph on the “degree of harmfulness of rudimentary ordnances sent” concludes with “that being said, even if we wanted to believe that the ordnances were not such as to put the lives of the recipients at risk […] the College considers that the crime and the potential […] are unveiled in any case – for the methods of conduct, the personalities of the accused and the context in which they were involved – a significant danger of the material authors, with consequent substantial irrelevance, in terms of a strictly precautionary assessment, of the effective attitude of the ordnances to disrupt the lives of people”. Continue reading

France: Update about Anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi arrested, convicted for the G8 in Genoa in 2001

Anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi was arrested on Thursday, August 8, 2019 in France. The arrest was carried out by the French cops and (as reported by the scum media) was made possible by the contribution of the agents of the “Service for the fight against extremism and internal terrorism” and of the Antiterrorism section of the DIGOS of Milan, which through “a close investigative connection” with the French police were able to identify the comrade. Against him two European arrest warrants had been issued by the prosecutors of Milan and Genoa.

Vincenzo had been “on the run” since 2012, following the final sentence of 11 years and six months that was imposed on charges of “devastation and pillage, robbery and carrying of weapons” following Black Bloc actions against the G8 summit that took place in Genoa, Italy in July 2001.

On Friday, 27 September, the Rennes Court of Appeal refused the application for release of the comrade pending extradition hearing. A new hearing is expected in the next few weeks in the same court to decide whether Vincenzo will be handed over to the Italian authorities.

On 23 August, the court ordered further information to the transalpine justice authorities, before 10 October, to clarify various points concerning convictions in Italy. In 2012, the comrade was sentenced to years in prison for actions during anti-G8 demonstrations in Genoa in 2001. Vincenzo was also sentenced to four years in prison for his participation in an anti-fascist demonstration in Milan. in 2006. About sixty relatives and companions were present before the Court of Appeal of Rennes where his request for release was studied. On 22 August, the investigating chamber ordered a feasibility investigation for possible house arrest with electronic surveillance.

At the hearing, on the 27 September, the lawyer of the Vincenzo, presented new elements: “The two European mandates are false and inaccurate.” “We have added a document that shows that one of the convictions in Italy” (note: the Milan case) has been fully executed.”

The court eventually followed the General Counsel’s submissions and refused the release of Vincenzo Vecchi. He will remain in detention in the center of Rennes-Vezin pending a future hearing.

Write / contact address:

Vincenzo Vecchi
Centre pénitentiaire de Rennes-Vezin
Rue du Petit Pré
35132 Vezin-le-Coquet

Greece: Contribution to the international meeting against the techno-sciences (Italy – July 2019) by anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou, prisoner of the Greek state.


via Resistenze al Nanomondo

IT: Contributo per l’incontro internazionale contro le tecno-scienze (Italia – luglio 2019) dell’anarchico Dino Giagtzoglou, prigioniero dello stato greco

GR: Ντίνος Γιαγτζόγλου: Συνεισφορά Στη Διεθνή Συνάντηση Ενάντια Στις Τεχνο-Επιστήμες

Contribution to the international meeting against the techno-sciences (Italy – July 2019) by anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou, prisoner of the Greek state


I start this letter with a certainty. I am sure that our life experiences are very different as well as the starting points of the struggle of each and every one. I also think that with many of you we have different ideological origins and disagreements or contrasts on individual issues. But I firmly believe that the will to resist the plans of Domination, stemming from the awareness of the fundamental social alienation that alienates us from ourselves and nature as a whole, and the revolutionary passion for the destruction of the mega-machine of Power unite us in a common vision of a world free from the shackles of civilization. By going through a variety of analyzes, striding kilometer distances and eliminating in practice the language obstacles, since we recognize that there is the community of struggle for total liberation, we can really keep the flame of the revolt lit and the wager of the social revolution open. I therefore send a warm greeting to the Resistenze Al Nanomondo collective and to all the participants in the international meeting against the techno-sciences, expressing in advance my eagerness to fill the gaps in knowledge, that my absence will undoubtedly cause, by studying your reflections, your conclusions and everything you can get me through the actions and collaborations that will come from your fermentations in Italy.

But let’s take things in turn. For 21 months now, I have been pre-trial detained in the Greek prisons because I made the decision, like many fighters around the world, to realize my ideas by taking a battle position in the social war and fighting against power, here and now. So I am in prison because I put my ideas into practice beyond the limits of the law and certainly not by accident.

With the firm conviction that the revolution will either be lawless or it will be nothing, I wanted to give a concrete example – in the first person and in the present tense – of what revolutionary solidarity could mean, beyond the dipoles of innocence and guilt, of legality and illegality, by providing shelter to a persecuted comrade. That is why I am buried in tons of cement and iron, risking to be condemned for the “terrorist” attacks with booby-trapped letter envelopes on EU officials, executives of economic organizations and credit rating agencies sent in the spring of 2017, with which I have denied my correlation since my arrest, but the odds of my conviction for them remain high. Of course no one was found in prison simply because one decided to fight against oppression and exploitation. My current status is the actual proof that I made mistakes. Mistakes in some decisions I made in relation both to myself and to other individuals with whom I misguidedly felt we have been sharing a common struggle. Mistakes that cost dozens of years of imprisonment, mistakes that may be unforgivable, but certainly neither them nor prison itself can cancel my permanent determination for struggle, struggle, struggle… under any circumstances. So I can only breathe through the endeavors of the comrades who are outside the walls and continue the struggle. I want to support such efforts because through them I am inspiring and essentially exist, I live for them! And so I see these three days too. Continue reading

Italy: “Prometeo” operation – An update about Giuseppe

via insuscettibile di ravvedimento

In recent weeks, as already written, Beppe was transferred from the AS2 [“High Surveillance 2”] section of the Rossano Calabro prison to the Pavia prison. The interview with the lawyer showed that he is in the protected section, where there are collaborators of justice, former law enforcement officers, sex offenders and trans and homosexual prisoners (who have explicitly requested to be among the protected). Beppe had requested to be transferred from the Rossano AS2, where the vast majority of prisoners are Islamic, due to incompatibility and had also requested an approach to his home, thus indicating the AS2 sections of the north-center of Italy where there are currently anarchist comrades. The provocative response to his request was the transfer to the protected section of the Pavia prison. Let’s not leave him alone!

To send letters and telegrams to Giuseppe:

Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italia [Italy]