Tag Archives: solidarity

Chile: Subversive Prisoners Joaquin Garcia Chanks and Juan Aliste Vega on Insurrection in Chile

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net/2019

Statement by compañero Joaquín García Chanks on the context of Revolt.

We have witnessed a seemingly unpredictable phenomenon; thousands of young people from a virtually innocuous claim, have given free rein to their weariness with their daily life, destroying symbols and banners, fears, lies and, why not, certain modalities. It is not possible in this small text to try, perhaps in vain, to analyze the reason for this situation. I do not think it necessary to type the facts under superficialities and slogans or to attribute this catharsis to an accumulation of situations; sometimes everything is more simple. Today, I smile happily at the break of the order of things, the momentary breakdown of the status quo, from the fire to the symbols of lies and misery; I enjoy the potential of this break. It is not necessary to deceive oneself; it would be naive to believe that the Revolt carries our values or politics. That after catharsis, the Counter of the miseries of sustained existence will reach zero or an inevitable anarchic becoming; it is necessary to enjoy the revolt, enjoy the essential will that undermines all immobility, the flames of a moment becoming chaotic that only by constant combustion can survive and thus maintain its indomitable beauty. Today I smiled for a gift that nobody has given me. Continue reading

Italy: “Scripta Manent” operation – Update on the bank account in support of imprisoned anarchists

We announce the deactivation of the current bank account used to collect the money in support of anarchists imprisoned for the “Scripta Manent” operation and trial, and the restoration of the previous account used in recent years.

Accountholder: Omar Nioi – PostePay card number: 5333 1710 6579 6796 – IBAN code, necessary for international transfers and payments: IT93D3608105138289167089173 – BIC code, necessary for international transfers and payments: BPPIITRRXXX

We make yet another appeal to contribute, given the scarcity of funds, and the commitment to make four monthly money orders. In addition, there are new major legal costs to file the appeal (we have a 45-day deadline) following the announcement of the reasons for the first instance sentence.


via: insuscettibilediravvedimento.

Mexico: Call For International Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Miguel Peralta

ABCH- Unfortunately that we did not get this information until the week of agitation for Miguel was over, however we still present his story and the details of his companerxs in solidarity in order that his plight be known.
via: AMW English
Compañerxs from different geographies:
We send our greetings from Mexico, where we are engaged in a struggle to free our compas from state capture and tear down the prison walls.
We are a small solidarity group who have spent the last four years accompanying Miguel Peralta, Indigenous anarchist prisoner of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. Miguel was detained for defending the traditional forms of organization in his community and denouncing the abuses of a cacique group that holds economic and political power there. This group has maintained an environment of repression and harassment in the community for over nine years.
After a long, tedious, and exhausting trial, Miguel was sentenced on October 26th, 2018, to fifty years in prison for two crimes that he did not commit. This sentence was dictated in spite of his legal defense team presenting the necessary evidence to prove that he is not responsible for these crimes and that his case is full of legal irregularities. We know well that this was a politically motivated sentence against Miguel, and that there is no other reason for him to be imprisoned and sentenced.
Continue reading

Germany: Prison Van Torched in Solidarity with Imprisoned and Fugitive Comrades in Bremen

via: actforfree

“The prison is looking for you”…”We have found you”
During the night of the 4th-5th of July we torched a Bremen JVA (Bremen Prison) truck in the fenced TÜV NORD parking lot in Bremen-Walle.
JVA Bremen is characterized by miserable conditions, the cells are overcrowded, rain leaks in and medical care is either extremely bad or completely denied.
But we do not want to make a plea for the reforming of criminals or even to strengthen the illusion that there is such a thing as a ‘humane’ or ‘just’ prison.
Our only concern regarding the system of confinement is to sabotage the prison industry! Because it is a structure that aims to break ‘resistant’ and unadapted subjects. The suicide rate in JVA Bremen during recent years proves this.
Cynically, the vehicle was adorned with a slogan, which is part of the advertising campaign to employ workers at JVA Bremen – “You are the key”, this is the role they have actually intended for us.
Our thoughts are with the comrades who are not with us right now. They sit within the architecture of the enemy, their existence is behind bars where they are punished by the deprivation of their freedom of movement.
But the fire was not only for them. We do not want to forget the people who escaped the inhumane idea of imprisonment. Those who have left everything behind and are now on the run.
But not only do we out here fight against the prison society. Even behind the walls people try to preserve their dignity and freedom. We also send solidarity greetings to them.
Freedom for all prisoners.

Athens: Solidarity with D. Koufontinas- Traffic Sabotage of Central Streets

via act for freedom now!

On Monday 20/5 many comrades made a coordinated traffic sabotage at some of the most central streets of Athens. We barricaded with burning trash-bins and blocked the traffic ar Patission, Kokkinopoulou and Iera Odos streets, as a gesture of solidarity with the revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas, who has been on hunger strike since 2/5, demanding the repeal of the prosecutor’s veto and the immediate grant of furloughs.

The whole judicial complex unleashes its fury and its harshness against the specific political prisoner, because from the beginning of his activity until now he has shown consistency on his struggle and his values. Simultaneously, the pressure that the greek state receives both in an internal level from the well-known family of Bakogiannis, and also in the level of external politics from USA, intensifies the repression
and obstructs the detention conditions of D. Koufontinas. A big part of the social fabric, driven by the dominant bourgeois mindset that wants “law and order” and a normal and unimpeded flow of their daily lives,
embodies all of its suffering on the face of D. Koufontinas.

Continuous struggle until the end, near Dimitris Koufontinas

Immediate repeal of prosecutor’s veto Furloughs now for Dimitris Koufontinas


Berlin: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

“Burn all prisons, with or without walls!” The call for a Subversive May, as an extension of the proposal for an Anarchist May 1st in Berlin, is understood by us as a call to extend the attack on different levels. We agree with the idea not to confine ourselves to one day but to constantly and unpredictably attack the functioning of existing society and prove that its security is an illusion.

The apparatus of power includes not only the murderers of the State, but also the mercenaries of the private security companies. Securitas vehicles once parked undisturbed in the GESOBAG housing estate where they act as security guards to prevent the intervention of cops during conflicts with tenants or tensions with the property management. Securitas is also engaged in surveillance work in prisons and public spaces worldwide.

“Recognizing the degenerative metamorphosis of the once “revolutionary subject”, today diluted in that imprecise legion of consumers / citizens, is the inevitable starting point to consolidate a community in conscious war, which contributes vigorously to extend the attack against the system of domination in our century. If we are not able to notice the feeling of participation in which the “mass” dives happily; that is to say, if we do not perceive the accelerated integration of this alienated caterva of “oppressed” and “excluded”, we are not apt to develop anarchic war in our days. For that reason, it is urgent to renew our ship-replace one rotten wood with the erosion of time-and that will only be possible from a critical balance” – from an interview with Alfredo Cospito Continue reading

Brussels: Solidarity poster


Making repression lose

All forms of physical and psychological violence that are intrinsic to the daily enforcement of all states and all democracies, this is repression.

The continuous expansion of its punishment, prosecution, and
imprisonment tools might be its most obvious realization.

The generalized internalization of its perception of “justice”, and the omnipresent confusion that personal fulfillment comes through work and consumption are surely its greatest achievements.

However, repression loses.

Each time we rebel, we spit in the face of the moral colonialism of this system, and we sabotage it.

Each time, waves of revolt expose the limits of the control of the
state, and render imaginable a complete end to it.

Each time, our actions discard the smoke screen of lies, and make us sense that our freedom is to be found in attacking authority and not in obeying it.

Repression has everything to lose.

Solidarity with the anarchists prosecuted by the Belgian state.

Canada: Attacks on Lemay Condo Developments against Migrant Prisons

via actforfree

On the night of March 19th, the sales office of Humaniti had its windows smashed and two Lowney towers were redecorated using paint-filled fire extinguishers. What do these condo developments have in common? They were both designed by the Lemay architecture firm, which is helping to build a new migrant prison in Laval, Quebec.

Why not disturb the peace and quiet of the citizens occupying these luxury condos, whose wealth and comfort are founded upon the dispossession, exploitation, and imprisonment of those who have been here since before the colonization of this continent, those newcomers seeking a better life, survival, or pushed here by empire, and everyone who resists the prevailing order?

Lemay, we hope you enjoy informing your future potential clients that their projects will be sabotaged if they hire you. Should you choose not to inform them, we will enjoy giving them a costly surprise.

To all those struggling against borders in so-called Quebec and Canada: let us relentlessly attack the companies and agencies involved in any way in the construction of this migrant prison, so that it can’t be built!

Fire to the prisons! Sabotage borders, their enforcers, and collaborators!

Canada :Sodexo Attacked in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

via actforfree

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the early morning of March 29th, the president of Sodexo Canada was visited at her home in Brossard. All the tires of the two cars in her driveway were slashed, their windshields were smashed in, and FUCK SODEXO and (A) were written on their hoods.

Sodexo profits from imprisonment around the world. They offer among other things management services for private prisons and migrant detention centers, and cafeteria services for prisons.

In Canada more specifically, they profit from the extractive economy by offering security and cafeteria services for extraction sites.

This action is in solidarity with anarchist prisoners everywhere.

Prison profiteers must not sleep peacefully. The companies considering taking contracts for the construction of the new migrant prison in Laval should think twice.

Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted Revolutionaries from Greece – Firefund

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants is a structure from Greece, which for the past 9 years has been actively organizing the political, ethical and material support of imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries. Due to the immense amount of money we have to collect and send _each month_ to the imprisoned comrades in order to cover their needs inside the prisons, and thus the tough financial situation we’re facing, we decided to use the firefund platform.

Firefund is an online crowdsourcing platform, run by activists, in order to fund radical causes. You can donate safely either by using credit card or with cryptocurrency (ether). Also if you want you can choose to contribute an amount to the team that administrates the platform.

The link of our campaign is this: https://www.firefund.net/prisonsoli

You can find more info about us and why we choose to use firefund in the link.

The contribution of each and every one who wants to help our cause is ESSENTIAL. While we also believe that it’s rather important to forward this initiative to anyone with whom we may not have contact with. To any comrade/collective who stand with solidarity against oppression.

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants from Greece
(for contact: tameio (at) espiv (dot) net)